Firm reinforcements from different towns in Castilla y León have been made with an improved bituminous mixture with rubber powder through the RARx
Within the different actions and works of reinforcement and rehabilitation of firm that the Board of Castilla and Leon has underway, the first work with RARx additive has been executed, specifically in the framework of the actions of “Surface regularization of CL-roads 527 from Zamora to Portugal; ZA-633 from CL-622 to N-122 (Toro); CL-612 from Villamartín de Campos to Zamora ”.
The firm reinforcements of different population crossings carried out in the CL-612 have been made with an improved bituminous mixture with rubber powder through the RARx, thus complying with the projected by the JCYL regarding the use of binders and bituminous mixtures with rubber.
The board of Castilla y León is one of the leading administrations in terms of project design and subsequent execution of mixtures with rubber dust, which reinforces its commitment to environmental sustainability and technical improvements in what actions in firm asphaltic refers.