This is evidenced by the report presented by Signus Ecovalor regarding the use of tire dust in bituminous mixtures during the first quarter of 2019 in Spain
According to the data presented by Signus Ecovalor, the non-profit organization that coordinates the environmental management work of out-of-use tires in Spain, in the first quarter of 2019 the amount of tire dust destined for modification has increased substantially of bitumens and / or bituminous mixtures to pave the Spanish roads, reaching the figure of 988 tons of rubber dust consumed compared to the 257 tons consumed in the same period of the previous year (2018).
Cirtec, thanks to its additive with RARx tire powder, has made a significant contribution to this significant increase, as Signus Ecovalor has highlighted in its report.
With this great contribution Cirtec, once again, shows that the Circular Economy is not a philosophy, but a reality.
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